

“The Fight Stalker” Gym Tour

We are excited to announce NRF Founder Melina “Miss 24/7” Yung  is about to embark on an Australia Wide tour of Muaythai, Kickboxing, Boxing & MMA Gyms to find where all the fighters are at.

She will be starting off the tour on the East Coast of Australia in North Queensland, before heading to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, New South Wales, A.C.T & Victoria.

Melina will be speaking to trainers, fighters and promoters about everything Nationally Registered Fighters has been doing in helping the Combat Sports Industry over the past 4 years, as well as some very very exciting things coming up for 2017!

If you haven’t already booked your gym visit, you will be getting a phone call shortly from our Member Admin team to schedule in a quick visit by Melina, or if we haven’t yet called you and you’d like us to visit your gym click below and we’ll give you a shout!

See you soon Australia!!
[kleo_button title=”YES, COME VISIT ME!” href=”” style=”Highlight” size=”2″ ]


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