Super-Charge Recovery, Prevent Injury, And Take Your Fight Game To The Next Level
by Craig Cassidy | One Fight | Fighters Nutrition & Motivation
In my last piece, I dispelled a lot of the garbage misconceptions surrounding supplements, and the supplement industry itself. For specific needs, in specific situations, supplementation can take you from “good” to truly “world class” if done right.
One of the key areas you can use supplements to maximize is fight recovery – especially when it comes to the realm of injury. The less injuries you have, and the faster you can recover, the faster you will progress. It’s simple logic.
Now, as a fighter, let’s get this out of the way immediately:
You are lazy.
Yes, lazy.
Sure, you might kill it in training and put your soul on the line with everything you do – but what happens outside of the gym? Outside the gym and the fights, there is an entire world of possibility you can explore that will take you to new heights.
Most of you however, are lazy. The obvious issue here is that most fighters blatantly take their recovery nutrition for granted, and have rudimentary knowledge behind what’s “right”, at best. Think because you train multiple hours per day, you can get away with eating shit? Think again, kid.
The laziness spreads beyond lack of effort, as well. Failing to recognize a gap in knowledge that you might have, failing to pick up a book to educate yourself, and failing to reach out to experts in order to educate yourself on the essentials of maximizing recovery – is all laziness.
Truly, there is zero excuse for not getting this right, and it has the ability to take you beyond where you thought you could go.
You can either “make it” in your sport, or burn out like the majority of fighters that inevitably fall into the category of “average”.
I don’t know about you, but I hate average.
One of the most critical determinants of success in the fight game – or any sport for that matter – is longevity, and the amount of time spent performing at your peak level of output. Train and fight your ass off. Then, recover in half the time of your competition, putting you back to full capacity. This allows you to roll back into training – and even fighting – again, much faster.
How do you get better in your sport? Repetition. Frequency. Practice. War.
The more you can do, the faster you’ll progress. Simple. I’m going to show you how.
At OneFight, we are about maximizing your potential in every area of your game. Injuries are a massive one, and easily misunderstood. So sit down, shut up, and become better! Read our 6 tips to maximise your recovery & performance here.
View our 6 tips to maximise your recovery & performance.
Beating It Down
Let’s address the elephant in the room once again: If your daily nutrition from whole foods is not in place, tuned in, and personalized to you – then everything you just read will simply act as a band-aid.
I would still recommend taking them, but a shit diet is a shit diet. I don’t care what justifications you come up with, because believe me, I have heard them all. The next guy that throws the “fast metabolism” excuse in my face is going to get hit in the throat.
Wake up. If you’re serious about your sport, then you should damn well act like it. Otherwise, you’re just disrespecting yourself.
So, get that together.
This is not a “one hit wonder”. This is something that will cause you to become better, day after day, after day, after day.
You don’t have a legitimate excuse to be lazy, anymore. You’ve just been educated. Put these small, easy-to-execute factors into action, and you’ll see your recovery time sky-rocket.
If you don’t, you’re choosing to not have a competitive edge over your competition. It’s a choice. Every factor counts, and it all adds up to be the difference between being a champion, or just another average bloke on the pads.
Craig Cassidy
W: One Fight
Ph: 0412005681