Results from the weekends fights in Queensland. (Check out our fighter’s full profiles by clicking their name below)

A tough fight for SEAN ABRAHAMS (QLD). He had his 2nd Muay thai fight at Rumble at the Ridge. Sean put on a fantastic performance, unfortunately missing out on the win this time around. Well done Sean!

Another great moment for COOPER WATT (QLD)! He came away with a solid win on his 5th Muay Thai fight. Great fight Cooper!

ALFIE “THE POCKET ROCKET” BULLOCK (QLD) stepped over the ropes for his 11th Muay Thai fight and had an opportunity to fight for the WKBF Junior U/14’s Light Paperweight Title, unfortunately he didn’t get the win but he did his team proud!

“Didn’t get the win tonight however our champ is a winner to us Alfie Bullock mum and dad are so proud of you keep improving and follow your dreams” ~ Janet Bullock

What an action-packed fight by DAN “REAL STORY” O’ROURKE (NSW). Dan has 9 MMA fights under his belt but on Saturday, he transitioned to Muay Thai. The fight was a good and hard fight, he didn’t get the win, but it was definitely a great experience for Dan. We’ll see him back in there for another Muay Thai bout soon!

“For anyone who was unable to attend or get the stream, this was my debut thai fight vs a young 16fight fighter who pushed me hard, i enjoyed the moments of the fight where I had to push through being unwell and push through a barrage of strikes to stay in the fight. I take nothing away from my opponents victory. He was solid. and am keen to go onto the next one.” ~ Daniel O’Rourke

A great performance by TYLER ZIRKEL (QLD) on the weekend. It was Tyler’s 3rd Muay Thai fight. Once again, his skill was put on a test and ended up in a draw decision. We are proud of your efforts, Tyler!

“Next up was Tyler having his third fight, first with head shots and no belly pad Tyler showed, yet again, that he listens well and can move around the ring so naturally. Both boys put on such an amazing fight the judges couldn’t split it walking away with a draw! Well done TJ!” ~ Kaos Muay Thai Hervey Bay

SEBASTIAN “SENSATION” MARIC (QLD) had his 4th Muay Thai fight on the weekend. Sebastian displayed great skills up in North QLD, unfortunately he didn’t get the win this time around. He’ll no doubt be back in the gym prepping for his next battle!

Photo source: Rippers Gym Muay Thai Hervey Bay
“Next up was Seb taking on a bigger opponent, he held his own in there working on exactly what we had trained to do. Seb’s commitment to his training is incredible, he is so motivated and we can tell he is going places!” ~ Rippers Gym Muay Thai Hervey Bay

Super Heavyweight Champion! JACK “THE RIPPER” MCINNES (QLD) head coach of Rippers Gym Muay Thai Hervey Bay stepped in for another fight on Saturday. He came out with a solid win via TKO in Round 3! What great way to wrap his fight career, retiring at 60 fights and a long standing history as a fighter. Thank you Jack for everything you’ve done in your fight career since you were a kid to now being a successful coach! Jack has a great fight team under him and a well established gym. He may be hanging up the gloves for compeition but the Ripper has plenty more to give in educating the next generation!

Photo source: Rippers Gym Muay Thai Hervey Bay
“That’s a wrap! WINNER BY TKO! Coming out strong, using some beautiful technique! Jack also copped some big hits but if you know jack, you will know he kept on smiling and laughing and telling his opponent to keep going. Exchanging some big hits, into the 3rd and jack stopped him with BIG leg kicks!” ~ Rippers Gym Muay Thai Hervey Bay