July 30-31 Fight Results


Results from the weekends fights.
(Check out our fighter’s full profiles by clicking their name below)


Congratulations to ALLEGRA VICKAS (NT) whow flew down to Canberra for another outstanding Muay Thai performance! Won by TKO in just 59 seconds via elbows. Well done, Allegra!

“….We had planned for a 5 round war but Allegra saw an opening to end the fight in the first 59 seconds of the first round and took it. Stopping her opponent via TKO with nice clean elbows.  We have consistently been working on this set up in the clinch and it has paid off for us. This goes to show that our training is on point…” ~ Blade Augey


Well done to TAMI EMERY (QLD). After many years out of the ring, Tami took a last minute opportunity in Adelaide on South Australia Muay Thai League.  We are so proud of you for getting back in there again. You fought your heart out and did your team proud! 

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